piątek, 7 grudnia 2012

środa, 21 listopada 2012


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sobota, 14 lipca 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: Chaos Deep(12)

Few words:
-Chaotic portal will help you travel distant places.
-3vs3vs3vs3 for chaotic battle where only true strategist can win.
-base is in fact fortress of 3 persons.
-Chaotic Delude in center is a challenge but it will weaken you, it's delude!  
-monsters are strong so don't be reckless. It's advice...

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: River of Plenty(6)

Few words:
-Baren lands have hungry weakened monsters but low number of gold mines.
-River of Plenty is full of strong monsters and have a lot of gold mines.
-2v2 players map but can be played 3vs3.

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: Rub! The! Bear! (8)

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Few words:
-Rub! The! Bear!
-8 players map.
-only bears for a hunt here!
-2 pairs of portal for base, one for base defend and 2nd for mid battle line.

środa, 4 lipca 2012

"Elder Scroll 2: Daggerfall" - pierwsze wrażenia

    Sprawdzałem jak wygląda "Elder Scroll 2: Daggerfall" i rozgrywka zapowiada się obiecująco. Fast travel, questy, za duży świat, za duże miasta, za duże dungeony, za dużo NPC-ów. Gra stawia na przepych w ilości i myślę, że jak na dawne czasy to był bardzo dobry innowacyjny pomysł.
    Z początku będąc specjalistą od nożyków i nie mogąc używać żadnej innej broni byłem zmuszony uciec z pierwszego dungeonu ale jak tylko zdobyłem nożyki, to sytuacja całkowicie się zmieniła. Zabijam wszystko, co nie jest skorpionem rzucającym paraliż i klepiącym, aż do śmierci biednego Mistrza Cienia, Argonian-a znanego tylko nie wielu, w świecie podziemia, pod imieniem przed którym wszyscy drżą - Kitabake. Zdołałem jak na razie zdobyć 4 poziom i zakończyłem test. Muszę dokończyć "ES4:Skyrim".

środa, 13 czerwca 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: Kamperu Town(6)

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Few words:
-This is the map which I'm the most praud of! I just love sweet town environment. GOT TO LUV IT!
-Deep in the forest there is a town in which no battle took place, till now...
-You cannot acces to enemy base by flying thru the walls. Airways are blocked, you need to travel with your foot units.
-All level creeps can be found on the map.
-Map is fine-balanced for all of players.
-work in team and use wide areas for battleground, don't let yourself perish in thick spots under siege of catapults etc.
-map for 6 players, created for team gameplay, prefered 2v2 or 3v3
-Shoping mall without creeps in left-bottom part of map in equal distance for both teams.

piątek, 17 lutego 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: Łojko Moon(8)

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Few words:
-Moon on which residents the "Hammer Time" lord named, not shamed, honored Łojko. He's possessions are about to be reached by hordes of "Earthlings" so called, Humans, Undead, Night Elfs and Orcs. What's with them? He will surely punish everyone in his sight, but he will stand his ground? We will see...
-Great hard creeps of outlands won't give you a chance to gain an easy experience and money.
-All of bases are settled in the holes as same as expansions.
-All shops can be found in center of map, just where the "Hammer Time" lords resident.
-All level creeps can be found on the map.
-Map is well-balanced for all of players.
-Quickly beat one of your closest enemies or else you will perish ^^
-feel the moon underneath your feet.
-map for 8 players
-Taverns between all pairs closest of player
-I gave a screenshot of victory because all maps before included me getting starfalled to death. It's not like i lose to Elfs every time... xD

piątek, 10 lutego 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map: Frozen Throne(12)

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Few Words:
-Lead good economy for future failures. Never be reckless.
-Map for 12 players.
-Battle over the Ice Crown of the World. Who will prevail.
-Huge map
-Balanced area for fun, plain of snow battle experience
-use Taverns!
-Kill Arthas for good stuff ^^
-Expend carefully.
-Corner Gold Mines have less gold, 7k only.
-Creep when you can, and hunt for growing number of gold mines than computer will make!
-never give up or you will be doomed as Arthas with his ice cold heart ;(

niedziela, 5 lutego 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map Death Spine(6)

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Few Words: -Death does not mind that battle is lead on her spine.
-2v2v2 or 3v3 or FFA.
-medium size map.
-high ground defended base with 1 entrance.
-one natural building for hire monsters in each base, better use them before someone else will do.
-expend before enemy will do it for you.
-not really fully balanced ground, but creeps and bases are so it's ok.

wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Map Blood Veins(2)

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Few Words:
-Strong and easy to achive defense guarantee win.
-Map for two players.
-Battle in the Blood Veins of huge unknown organism.
-Small map for duels.
-Well balanced area for fun dungeon battle experience ;]
-use zeppelin to travel to goblin shop and spy your enemy from there. Use Lamber-jack for fast wood income.
-Scout center for adventage of knowing more.
-Expend fast!
-Make a bloodbath or rest in it.